Have you noticed how music has an ability to transport us to a certain time and place? You can be walking through a store, thinking about whatever the day holds, and all the sudden a certain level of your conscious mind acknowledges the song playing over the radio. Instantly you are transported mentally to a completely different place.
Some songs are so powerful that you can actually smell the air from that time. Or feel the wind on your skin. When John Couger Melancamp sings "Jack & Dianne" I can literally smell Logan Canyon in 1987. Driving up there with Rand while we were dating, sticking my head out the window and yelling for the whole world to hear, "I LOVE Rand Kunz"... Makes me giggle to think about it.
When "Spider Fingers" by Bruce Horsby and the Range plays, I can hear the oven buzzing, I can smell the bread, it's an actual visceral sensation. This was one of those CD's that we often played at the beginning of the kneading session in the mornings.
"Walking on Sunshine" plays by Katrina and the Waves and I feel it! I physically weigh 20 pounds less and my clothes are baggy and I am basically skipping.
It's a power that I can't explain, it is just to be accepted.
Music is such a big part of Great Harvest. In the beginning when we bought the store, the franchise agreement was pretty simply. Summed up, you needed to make Honey Whole Wheat, offer FREE slices of bread, and play your music loud (and of course pay your royalty). As all things, it's a bit more complicated now, but not much! Great Harvest is still about creating your own corner of the world.
The music we play is universal to sunshine, happy, toe tapping, sing out loud kind of activities. You will often here the employees singing - PLEASE feel free to join in! For life is so much more fun when you step out of the bleachers and engage in the process.
I love the soundtrack of my life... It simply makes me grin!
I challenge you to take the time to pull out that CD that takes you to a very happy place. Share it with someone, tell them the story - and then open up and SING with it! You'll be amazed at the smile that blossoms!
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