Sunday, April 24, 2016

Jackson DID finally make it...

As the story continues...  If you watched the little video piece that Family Times ran about us in 1995 (here's the link if you want a giggle: ) It comments on the fact that an hour before that interview took place, we had just heard our second adoption had fallen through.

Don't worry...  In February 1996 Jackson Kunz joined our family at the tender age of 10 days.  We were thrilled.

I do have a confession to make, and there will be future blogs about this topic, but the 'rest of the story' on that day - back in the fall of 1995, goes something like this...  When the producers arrived at the house, and we were crying - they were so very quick to offer to reschedule.  The truth is, I am a reforming control freak, and my answer to the t.v. crew was...  "Give us 15 minutes, I've already cleaned the house and I don't want to anticipate this interview again..."  YIKES...

They did a great job of bringing out the best of us in that little video...  but I do want to remind all of you, that life is a journey...  There are times when everything goes like you hope, and there are more times that life takes a detour, and offers you the ride of your life!

There are times I wish so deeply that life had editing crews that can say "cut" and "redo".  Real life just doesn't have that button.

Our life has been one of lots of detours!  Yet I can say truly - that it has been the ride of my life, LITERALLY.  The bakery has been our backdrop, our fishbowl of learning.  Both the original bakery and our current building - are all windows.  I joke about the truth that our life has been a journey with 'open windows' to our community.  In a lot of ways our life has been very open to the public view...

Rand and I are two incredibly flawed, individuals who have so many learning opportunities every day...  Some times, we rise to the occasion and high five each other on the other side of the moment, and other days, we kind of want to bury our heads in the wheat and hope no one happens to notice us hiding there!

To all of you...  Remember - get out of the bleachers - and get on the playing field...  Life was meant to be lived!  With or without editing crews.  And when you are on the field you will fall down, you'll get tackled, you'll make wrong turns, you'll get sacked...  Yet you get stronger, you learn, you grow, you make life time friends.  On the field you smell, feel, and hear a lot of things that folks in the bleachers will never get to experience!

Besides - Truly - aren't the bloopers some of the best parts?  When you look back at those moments, a lot of them will make you laugh...  Even the hard ones usually have amazing lessons that came with them...

Thanks to all, who have been willing to forgive, and laugh at some of our less than stellar moments!  There are many... let's just suffice it to say that we are sorry for the hurts that came because of our sad/hard/difficult learning moments.

Life is a journey...  Let's keep living it... And forgiving each other for our 'less than stellar moments'...

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