Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy Sunday...

I just finished reading Sue Monk Kidd's latest book entitled "The Invention of Wings"... and it has left me pondering the truth that none of us stand on our own.  This isn't a new notion; however, this time around, it feels incredibly poignant.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to speak my mind, to run a business, raise a family, to travel by car, bike, or even plane.  And all these 'opportunities' have come from the incredible, amazing, difficult, dedicated, daring, hard work of so many people before me!

In the novel, Sue Monk Kidd tells a story based on truth - of a group of women who had the courage to stand for what was right, even though it was culturally, legally, and by some considered morally wrong.  It's the story of slavery in Charleston, it is the story of women's rights, and yet it is also the story of us today.

I have found myself asking the questions:  Am I living with gratitude for those who have gone before?  and, What kind of a torch am I passing on to those who come after me?  Am I living my life according to my highest good?  Am I loving more today than I did yesterday?  What am I willing to stand up for even if it means standing alone?

Lots of questions, and honestly some days I like my answers better than other days.  I am grateful for amazing books that make me think, the brave and courageous folks who have walked before me, and I'm grateful for those who are traveling this journey with me now, that continue to lead out, each in their own way - as they strive to be the best person they know how to be, thus leaving a legacy and a path for those who are walking after and along side them...  We truly never walk alone... and for this truth and more...   My gratitude is deep and abiding!

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