I was at a class last week, and the instructors shared a story about the reality that life (and in this story they were specifically speaking of parenting) doesn't always go the way you plan... The story was written by a Mom when she was asked what parenting was like...
The story has been making me smile all week, so I thought I'd share the general idea of it...
Your whole life you have this plan of traveling to Italy. You are so excited every day when you wake up, because you know you get to plan this amazing trip. You start learning the language, until you are pretty fluent... you study the guide books, and you map out an ideal travel itinerary that will allow you to be sure that you hit all the major sites.
You start experimenting with new "Italian" foods. You create a passion for the flavors, smells, and textures. You begin to listen to "Italian" music... You can recognize the different composers, and your excitement just continues to grow...
You get on the plane, you find yourself talking to all your traveling companions, you are so giddy with excitement you can hardly sit still.. And you land... and you get off... and nothing looks like it is supposed to... You begin to feel a bit panicked, and you finally find someone to ask, and you explain that something must be wrong, this doesn't look, sound, or smell like Italy.
The individual smiles, and simply says - "that's because this is Holland"... You don't understand, there must have been some mistake! You try to get back on the plane, and you are told that there is no way to get back on. You have arrived... and this is Holland...
You jump on Facebook, twitter, and instagram, and everyone else seems to have made it to Italy... It feels like everyone except you!
Sometimes life feels like that... and as this Mother describes it, sometimes it takes a while to realize that Holland has a lot of nice points. The windmills are beautiful, and the tulips bloom every spring. The language is definitely not Italian, but you are able to communicate if you take the time to learn it...
There is a point that we must all make a decision... Of choosing to see the beauty of Holland... Of releasing the dream if Italy... Of setting up a home, and making a life here in Holland...
May we all celebrate wherever we have landed... Holland, France, Ireland, Scotland, Taylorsville, or West Valley... May we take the time to learn the language, and to find the beauty and celebrate where we are...
Here's to our individual Hollands ;o)
Have a great trip!
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